T.V Series: çukur - koçovalı

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Koçovalı Family lives in Koçovalı neighborhood in Istanbul or as it's called the pit ( çukur in Turkish ). The head of Koçovalı family is Idris Koçovalı who is married to Sultan. They have four sons together: Cumali, Kahraman, Selim and Yamaç. The tragedy of Koçovalı family starts with the assassination of Kahraman by Vartolu Saadettin with the help of Selim. It's revealed later on that Vartolu Saadettin is the half brother of Kahraman and his real name is Salih. Selim wasn't expecting his help would result in the death of his brother. He thought the attack would result in the injure of his brother not his death. in the mean time Cumali was doing time in prison as a result of his recklessness which put him in a lot of trouble.

All of these events caused Yamaç's to leave his wife Sena in Paris and come back to "the pit" during their honeymoon in an attempt to protect her from the dark side of his family. By the request of his mother he came back from Paris to be the leader of the family to protect it as the family is everything according to the principals of Koçovalı Family members. Yamaç does everything in his power to protect çukur "the pit" and it's people AKA his family from all the enemies who try to take over the family. He tried to do his best to protect the family; However, many of his beloved people from the pit has been killed by the hands of the pit's enemies because çukur "The pit" has to consume it's children to continue into existence.

Establishing the pit

Koçovalı neighborhood originally was a swamp, that Idris Koçovalı has dry out and built his own house there. Afterwards he has started building houses for the poor who became later on the residence of the pit and he is the leader who gained their admiration and respect. Idris managed the pit for a long time by the help of his closest friends: Cihangir and Mujahid. They define themselves as the three Musketeers (Idris, Cihangir, Mujahid) as they are brothers, one soul, and one person. They are willing to sacrifice themselves for each other in a heartbeat.

çukur's Tattoo

All the residence of the pit share the same famous tattoo that all of them has on their body. This tattoo represents the pit with a roof on the top while the three dots refer to a three families:

  • Koçovalı Family
  • His own family
  • The people of the Pit

Koçovalı Family protects the pit and if it's required the pit will protect Koçovalı Family in return or as Idris Koçovalı says "The family is everything, you are nothing if you don't have your family behind you. They are your arms, hands, and legs. You think you are the one who pulls the trigger, in fact the family is the one who pulls the trigger. You protect the family and when required the family will protect you as well"When Idris said a "family" he meant all the people of the pit. Whoever get this tattoo becomes a part of this family and if under any circumstances he come to leave the family, then one day he eventually will come back because you can leave the pit; However the pit will never leave you.

Roof Watchers

Eventhough the pit has so many illegal activities, the police never gets into this neighborhood and even if they try to get into it they would never find any evidence for any illegal activities thanks to the watchers on the roof. The pit is under the watch by the roof watchers 24/7. Whenever the roof watchers get suspicious of any activity around the pit or an unknown person getting into the pit they would take proper action to protect the pit.

EditIdris Koçovalı

Idris Koçovalı

Birth:1959, Death: 2019 - 60 Years.

Idris Koçovalı or as he is known Idris Papa is the leader of the pit and the head of the Mafia that specializes in arms trade. According to his principles, drugs are prohibited for dealing, synthesizing or using in the pit. The most important thing for him is the family and the family for him is all the residence of the pit. Idris provide protection to his family in all possible means and in return they love and respect him not out of fear but out of appreciation of his efforts for them. Idris is the father of all the residence of the pit, it's their home and Idris is their father.


Idris has fours sons: Cumali, Kahraman, Selim and Yamaç. It was discovered later on that he had a fifth son called Salih that he himself wasn't aware of because Idris was in jail during the period of Salih 's birth. When Idris came out of jail, all he knew is that Salih's mother Mehriban got married and got killed by the hands of her husband and he never knew that she was pregnant with his son before she got married. His wife Sultan and his close friend Cihangir intentionally hid this truth from him.

Idris' Past

Before establishing the pit, Idris was living with his parents, his brother Cumali and, his two sisters: Akşın, Karaca. Idris's father was a farmer who always had good harvest because he always cultivate the land with love. His success has been the reason for being envied by the other farmers who wasn't able to get good harvest as him, as a result they have killed him. After the murder of Idris's father, the rest of the family tried to run away from the killers and tried to reach Istanbul. During their escape, Idris got separated from the rest of the family and wasn't able to find them. Later on, he started to establish the pit and devoted his life to protect it and eventually he died for the pit.

Idris sacrificed so many of his loved ones in order to protect the pit and it's people AKA his family. He even shot the love of his life Meliha to kill her because his love to her was a source of distraction that prevented him from protecting the pit ideally. He thought for many years that he had already killed her for the pit; However, later one he discovered that his friend Cihangir has saved her from death. Idris also shot his elder brother Cumali with the intention to kill him, because Cumali was going to cause harm to the people of the pit. Cumali was saved by the barber muhittin. Idris banished Cumali from the pit and prevented him from using his name "Cumali Koçovalı" ever again. The only person who knew about this was Meliha.


Idris has a strong and stubborn personality, he refuses to admit any of his wrongdoing even-though he committed many wrong things. He keeps saying that: I did what had to be done. To end his life, four different people cooperated to devise a plan to end Idris' life. The four People are: Yucel, Azer Kurtuluş, Efsun and Akın Koçovalı. They kidnapped Koçovalı family members and forced Idris and his son Yamaç into a situation where either the kidnapped members will all die or one of them should kill the other. Idris have chosen to die in order to protect the pit by the hands of his own son Yamaç.

EditSalih Koçovalı (Vartolu)

Salih Koçovalı (Vartolu)

Vartolu Saadettin is the illigal son of Idris Koçovalı and Mehriban. He lived a tough childhood with his stepfather beating his mother until she got killed by the hands of her husband. After the death of his mother and the imprisonment of his stepfather, he started to live with his grandfather from his mother side who always has been abusing this poor child. The reason for this poor treatment by his grandfather is because Vartolu has been an illegal son. a while later, his grandfather has died and Vartolu found himself being a homeless at young age. being homeless at this age, made him a prey for a drug dealing gang to recruit him for their business.

In few years later, he rebelled against the gang that has been abusing him for their business and he ended up killing all of the gang members with a machine gun. After that he continued to do drug dealing by himself for years. During that period of dealing he met Medet who became a brother to him. Once he gained power and authority as a result of drug dealing, he decided to go back to the pit to have revenge on everyone who caused him to have this terrible childhood and being deprived from his mother. He believed that his father Idris already knew about him and Idris is the one who banished him from the pit.

Returning to the Pit

When Vartolu came back to the pit to have his revenge, he caused the death of Celasun's father and the death of his half brother Kahraman Koçovalı. As a result of Kahraman's death, Idris went through deep sorrow that caused him a stroke. In the mean time, Sultan asked her son Yamaç Koçovalı to come back to stand in the way of the pit's enemies, Vartolu in particular. Yamaç Koçovalı complied to his mother's request and came back to the pit in order to protect it from Vartolu and prevent him from causing more damage to the pit and it's people. During this war between the two, Yamaç discovered the unexpected that Vartolu Saadettin is actually his half brother Salih Koçovalı.

Identity Revealed

Once the actual identity of Vartolu has been revealed, Yamaç devised a plan to protect his half brother from being killed by his father Idris who only perceived Vartolu as the killer of his dear son Kahraman. With this plan, Yamaç made everyone thinks that Vartolu has been killed, while in fact he was locked up in the basement. The only motive for Yamaçto protect his half brother is to prevent the death of another son of his father Idris.

Idris was in a great shock when he discovered that Vartolu is actually his son Salih and when he realized that he is still alive, he met with his son Salih and told him the truth that he himself wasn't aware that he had a son from Mehriban. He also told his son, that if he knew he existed he would never leave him alone, then he gave his son two options. Either to leave the pit and visit during occasions or he can stay in the pit and fight his way to become the king of the pit, which in that case Idris would not consider him as his son.

Vartolu Became Salih

Salih made the choice to stay in the pit which strengthen the relationship between him and his father and half brothers, specially Yamaç who started to call each others as "dad's son". Salih got married to his childhood love Saadet and they had a son together which they named İdris Jr. Salih deeply regretted his actions that caused the death of his brother Kahraman, specially after learning the truth that his father never left him intentionally. In one of his regret moments he said: If i knew what i know now, I would rather shoot myself instead of causing any harm to my brother.

EditSaadet Koçovalı

Saadet Koçovalı

Saadet is the daughter of the pit. her parents died when she was still a child as a result of an attack on the pit by their enemies. Idris and his wife Sultan never abandoned this little girl and they took her in as their own daughter to raise her. Saadet lived in a small house which is an extension of the Koçovalı house. She would usually help her mother Sultan in doing chores like cooking, washing dishes and so forth. in despite of many years passing by, she would never forget the love of her childhood who she never heard anything about him for so long.

Childhood love

When Saadet was a little girl, there was a boy living in the same area who is the same age as her. This little boy was Salih, he was the only friend she had. When they were kids they made a vow to each others that one day when they grow up, they would get married. He was her first love, but at that time they were not meant to stay together as Salih for an unknown reason has left the pit to live somewhere else and she never heard anything about him for years until one day she received a call from him and they got together again. They have been meeting together, but Salih was always covering his face because he was afraid reveal his identity as Vartolu the man who killed Kahraman that she consider as her brother.

Identity Revealed

One day, Salih was talking to Saadet on the phone while watching her from his balcony, he noticed some intruders sneaking into Koçovalı's house and he informed her to quickly go back inside because there will be an attack soon. He gathered his men quickly and went into Koçovalı's house to thwart the attack and to save Saadet and other people in the house. Once he accomplished what he came for and in his way out, Saadet saw him from the window and she discovered that Salih is actually Vartolu. What helped her to discover his real identity is because of the redness on his left eye which Salih had since birth. she remember when they were kids and Salih told her that according to his mother the redness in his left eye is because the angles put Kohl for him.

The Impossible Love

The marriage of Saadet and Salih was considered to be impossible. even if Koçovalı family have forgiven him for killing Kahraman, Idris would never agree to allow his daughter to marry a drug dealer. At that time Salih haven't given up on his illegal business which made Idris make the choice to get Saadet married to someone else. One guy called Cemil proposed to Saadet; However, during their wedding day and for some unknown reason, Selim killed Cemil, he made it look like Cemil had run away and no body ever knew that he was actually killed.


It became hopeless for Saadet to marry Salih because she would never disobey the parents who raised her, but the unexpected happened and Saadet discovered that she is pregnant. When Sultan came to know about this pregnancy she kicked Saadet out of Koçovalı's house. and told her to go to the house of the father of this child. Sultan was forced to do this cruel act because she knew without this, Saadet would never disobey them and would never marry Salih if they are against it. When Salih came to know that he is going to become a father, he let go of his dark past and his drug dealing to marry Saadet. They moved out of the pit to start a new life and dreamed of a normal life together with their upcoming newborn Idris Jr.

EditIdris Koçovalı Jr

Idris Koçovalı Jr

Idris Koçovalı Jr is the only son of Salih Koçovalı and Saadet. His father wanted to have a normal life with his family away from all the troubles and complications from his past, but he never got what he wished for and the unexpected happened. His wife was pregnant with his first born Idris when the enemies of the pit, the black sheep gang attacked the pit and took control over the entire neighborhood. The gang also broke into Salih's house and managed to kidnap Saadet. They also shot both Salih and his friend Medet who is living at the same house. Saadet spent the rest of her pregnancy in the pit detained by the captors and gave birth to Idris while she is still a hostage. Eventually, Idris Jr and his mother both got rescued by Salih.

Idris Jr is loved by everyone and his father tried to provide to his son everything that he was deprived from when he was a kid. They had a circumcision ceremony for Idris Jr where all of his uncle came even though they had some disagreements with his father regarding some issues. In that ceremony, his uncle Yamaç gave him a gift which was the rosary of Idris Koçovalı. When Salih recognized the rosary he emphasized to his son the importance of this rosary and that he should never lose it.

EditSultan Koçovalı

Sultan Koçovalı

Sultan Koçovalı is also known as the mother of the pit, she is the wife of Idris Koçovalı and the mother of: Cumali, Kahraman, Selim and Yamaç. Sultan is a cruel mother and very strict with the daughters in law and her granddaughters Karaca Koçovalı and Akşın Koçovalı but at the same time she loves them more than anything else. In despite of Sultan's wrong doing, she never regretted her actions, not even once. Even with all of her mistakes, she is well respected, appreciated and loved by the people of the pit as she is considered their mother. Sultan run a restaurant for the poor which is located next to the friends café. The goal of her restaurant is to provide free food to all the poor people of the pit. She would cook the food with the help of Saadet, her daughters in laws, and her granddaughters. This food then is distributed to all the visitors of the restaurant for free.

Sultan's Mistakes

Sultan made a lot of mistakes which caused so many pain to other people, yet she never admitted her wrong doing nor regretted any of her actions even though her actions greatly affected the life of: Salih, Karaca, and Efsun.


Even though Sultan knew that Salih is Idris' son, she refused to accept him when his mother brought him as a little boy to her. Once mehriban got killed, Sultan ordered Cihangir to send Salih away from the pit. Cihangir took the little boy to his grandfather from his mother side and the entire truth about Salih has been completely kept a secret from Idris. Sultan never cared for this boy and what happened to him once he was banished from the pit. As a result of banishing Salih away, he went through a lot of misfortune and suffered a lot. Salih after going through a lot he came to have revenge and caused the death of her son Kahraman. If she has just accepted him as a boy instead of sending him away, she would not have suffered from the death of her dear son by the hands of Salih. Even when Idris and the rest of his sons has already forgave Salih for what he has done, she went to Cumali who was imprisoned at that time to incite him to kill Salih.


Once Karaca Koçovalı eloped to Azer's house, Akın Koçovalı talked to Sultan with good intentions and advised her to tell Karaca the real reason behind their refusal for this marriage. This has given Sultan the idea to attend Karaca's wedding and told her the truth that Azer participated in the murder of her grandfather Idris. She also gave her a gun and told her that she know what is to be done. Sultan did this knowing that Karaca will kill Azer for his participation in killing her grandfather. Karaca killed the man she loved and went into tough psychological period in her life. When everyone else knew about what Sultan did they blamed her for it, but Sultan never regretted this and replied saying Karaca did what was supposed to be done.


Efsun was pregnant with her daughter Masal when Yamaç brought her to live at the Koçovalı's house. By a coincidence, Sultan overheard the conversation between Cumali and his wife Damla that Efsun took part in the murder of Idris. Sultan wasn't able to suppress her anger, and she immediately threw Efsun out of Koçovalı's house. Sultan forced everyone remain silent and never bring this to Yamaç's knowledge. She let Yamaç think that Efsun left the house with her own will. The enemy of the pit kulkan, took advantage of this event and kidnapped Efsun and she remained captive for 3 years living in misery. All of this happened because Sultan threw her away and kept this entire event a secret from Yamaç.

EditYamaç Koçovalı

Yamaç Koçovalı

Yamaç Koçovalı is the youngest son of Idris Koçovalı and Sultan Koçovalı, he is a rock singer and a chemical engineer. He is the favored son to his parents among the rest of his brothers. Unlike his brothers, he wasn't affiliated with the illegal business of the family nor the arm dealing and he was completely against the dark side of his family that revolve around killing and weapons. When Yamaç turned 18, some of the enemies of the pit attacked Koçovalı family and Yamaç killed one of the intruders and that was the first time he ever killed someone.

Yamaç got very angry with his father because if it wasn't for that dark side of this family he would not have been forced to kill anyone. On the other hand, Idris Koçovalı saw this act as heroic because his son Yamaç was protecting the family. After this event, Yamaç has decided to leave the family and to leave the pit against his father's will and he was told by his father "There is no coming back ever if you walk out of that door". Yamaç replied "I will never come back" and he closed the door.

Yamaç's Return

Yamaç had a normal, calm and stable life after leaving the pit. He had completed his education and become a chemical engineer. He would also go to night clubs to play guitar and sing. One night, he met Sena Koçovalı and both fell in love together and they got married in Paris 5 days after they have met. At their wedding night while Sena was asleep, Yamaç heard a knock on their door and when he opened the door he was surprised to see his mother Sultan Koçovalı has came to ask for his help. Sultan told him about the murder of his brother Kahraman Koçovalı and that his father Idris Koçovalı had a stroke. With this news, Yamaç has left his wife in Paris without telling her anything or justifying his decision and he willingly came back to the pit to become the leader even though he had said he would never come back even on his dead body.

Yamaç and Murder

In despite of becoming the leader of the pit, Yamaç remained insisting on his position that he is not like his father and that he would protect the pit without killing anyone. Yamaç would keep thwarting the plans of his enemy at that time Vartolu by sabotaging his drug dealing business and waiting for the pit to stabilize and his father to get better so that he would be able to leave the pit again with his wife Sena Koçovalı and they would go back to their normal life away from the pit. Yamaç had promised his wife Sena that they would go back to their normal life; However, the enemies of the pit haven't ceased and have been coming one after the other. Yamaç wasn't able to keep his promise to his wife Sena as she have been murdered in front of his eyes by the enemy of the pit Yucel. Eventually Yamaç had to leave his own principles of not using weapons nor killing and he started doing the same as the rest of Koçovalı family because there is no other way to fight back the merciless enemies of the pit.

Yamaç Killing his father Idris Koçovalı

As a result of Yucel's plan, Yamaç has been forced to kill his father Idris Koçovalı with his own hands in order to protect the Koçovalı family. Yamaç wasn't able to handle this mentally and he had to go into a mental hospital for what he has been forced to do. In the mental hospital he met Nehir Bursalı who gave birth to Yamaç Koçovalı Jr. Yamaç's mental condition got better and he left the hospital even though he haven't healed completely as he still have sleep disturbances. After leaving the hospital he started his journey of revenge of the people who caused his father's death. He had his revenge against Yucel and Azer Kurtuluş and he met Efsun Koçovalı who latter became his wife and the mother of his daughter Masal Koçovalı.

Idris Koçovalı's killer

Salih Koçovalı was trying to find out who killed his father Idris in order to have revenge against him. When this came into Yamaç's knowledge he encouraged his half brother Salih and was waiting for his half brother to find out that he is the one who killed their father. Yamaç hoped that he will be killed by the hands of Salih and this would end his torment; However, when Salih found out the truth he was shocked and instead of killing Yamaç he made a plan to fool everyone into believing that he has killed Yamaç but in fact he had locked him up in the basement, exactly as what Yamaç did to Salih when he found the truth that Salih is his half brother.

Later on it was revealed that Salih's plan was to help Yamaç by making him finally admit and accept that he has killed his father Idris as this state of denial was the root cause of all the mental problems that Yamaç was going through. Once Yamaç finally overcome this state of denial he felt relieved and that's when Salih said to him: You gave a huge sacrifice for this family without even thinking about yourself. How can i kill someone like that. I'm a bad person, but i'm not that bad.

Cumali Koçovalı had a completely different reaction upon knowing who killed their father. Arık Böke Erdenet is one of the pit's enemy, he sent his cousin seren muzik with a clip of Yamaç killing Idris. Cumali got boiling with anger upon this shocking news and he pointed his gun without a second thought and shot his brother Yamaç exactly as their father did in the past to their uncle Cumali and at the same place as well, in the friendship cafe. When Yamaç got better and he came back to the pit he was banished without even given the chance to justify his action by his mother Sultan Koçovalı who came to know the truth from Cumali Koçovalı. Selim Koçovalı on the other hand was upset that Yamaç haven't came to him and told him the truth for all of this time.

I'm Unlike My Father

In despite of Yamaç's rejection to be like his father, he eventually came to admit that regardless of what he says that he is not like his father, at the end he would see parts of his father when he look at himself in the mirror and unconsciously he would speak and act just like his father. In fact Yamaç was exactly as his father from the start but he failed to recognize that. On some occasions Mujahid has commented when he saw Yamaç's action that he is watching Idris youth again and Cihangir agrees with Mujahid on that fact. There was only one difference between Yamaç and his father Idris and that is to end the dark side of the pit and to provide safety to the residence of the pit without any enemies and without danger. even though Idris used to say to Yamaç "this hasn't started with you and will not end with you", Yamaç was able to end it and proved his father was wrong because this has ended with him.

EditYamaç Koçovalı Jr

Yamaç Koçovalı Jr

Yamaç Jr is the illegal son of Yamaç Koçovalı and Nehir Bursalı, They first met in a mental hospital. Yamaç Koçovalı was in the hospital because he was going through a tough psychological period in his life after being forced to kill his father to protect the pit. On the other hand, Nehir lost all of her family and she has been considering the mental hospital to be her home where she goes whenever she feels like it. This relation between Yamaç Koçovalı and Nehir Bursalı wasn't meant to continue as it was an unrequited love from Nehir side. Their relation has ended while Nehir was pregnant with their son Yamaç Koçovalı Jr. She named her son after his father's name because she thought that she will never see Yamaç Koçovalı again.

After few years in a twist of fate, Nehir have been diagnosed with Cancer. When the Cancer reached an advanced stage, Nehir has called Efsun and asked her to come to her because she has an important thing she wanted to talk to her about. They have met and Nehir shared the details about her condition and she entrusted Efsun with her son Yamaç. Efsun promised Nehir that she will raise Yamaç as if he was her own son without any difference in treatment between him and her own daughter Masal. At that day, Efsun took Yamaç Jr and introduced him to his father. That was the first day Yamaç Jr has ever met his father.

EditEfsun Koçovalı

Efsun Koçovalı

Efsun Koçovalı is the daughter of Baykal Kent. Baykal is one of the enemies of the pit, also it's revealed later that Vartolu was working for him. Efsun had the misconception that Yamaç Koçovalı is the one who killed her father and for that she wanted to have her revenge against him. Efsun is a rich girl who had inherited her father's wealth, she used this money to support Yucel's plan. The man who wanted to have his revenge as well against the Koçovalı family. For Efsun, she only wanted for the Koçovalı family to lose their power and control over the pit which resulted in her father's death.

Efsun's charm

Even though the relation between Efsun and Yamaç Koçovalı started with the desire of revenge, their relation quickly transformed into mutual love between the two and she was the only woman to put a smile on Yamaç's face after Sena's murder. The first time they have met was when Yamaç was heading to Efsun's house with the intent of having revenge against everyone who has been part of Idris Koçovalı's murder. At the time, Yamaç was having sleep troubles and he couldn't sleep for few days. In his way to Efsun house, he collapsed and lost consciousness. Efsun was the person who helped him and from that day forward, Yamaç wasn't able to sleep unless while listening to the stories that Efsun narrating for him. Efsun came to know that Yamaç did not kill her father, and Yamaç also came to know that Efsun wasn't aware of Yucel's plan. In spite of that, both of them believed that their relationship is still impossible after all of what has happened.

Divine justice

Yamaç decided not to have his revenge against Efsun; However, Efsun still got punished for her role in Idris Koçovalı's murder. When Efsun's grandmother found out about her relationship with Yamaç and found out about Efsun's pregnancy, she threatened Efsun that she would never allow Yamaç nor his child to remain alive. Later, Efsun found out that her grandmother conspired with one of the pit's enemies called Arık Böke Erdenet to kill Yamaç. Efsun was able to thwart this plan by shooting the men who were fully armed and waited for Yamaç to shoot and kill him. At the end, Efsun realized that her grandmother was determined and will never leave Yamaç nor her child to live and she was forced to shoot an kill her grandmother in order to stop. It's just as Yamaç was forced to kill his father, Efsun was also forced to kill her grandmother who has raised her in order to save Yamaç and her unborn child, which is the perfect punishment for her role in Idris's murder.


Efsun relationship to Yamaç has went through many hardships which made the two believe that their relationship is impossible. Cumali Koçovalı tried to kill Efsun because of her role in his father's death but he changed his mind when he found out that she is pregnant. Also, Sultan Koçovalı kicked Efsun out When she came to know the truth that she was one of the reasons that Idris got killed. Being kicked out of the Koçovalı house facilitated the kidnap of Efsun and put her in misery for years until she got rescued along with her daughter by Yamaç. In spite of all of these hardships, Efsun and Yamaç got married in a happy atmosphere surrounded by Koçovalı family and the entire family attended this marriage. The news of Yasmin's pregnancy added to the joy and finally Yamaç had his own small family consisting of him, his wife and his daughter Masal. Yamaç Koçovalı Jr added to this small family once Efsun reunited the father with his son.

EditMasal Koçovalı

Masal Koçovalı

Masal Koçovalı is the only daughter of Yamaç and Efsun. Masal was born in the period when her mother was kidnapped. During that period Efsun had suicidal thoughts; However, being pregnant with Masal was the source of her strength and desire to survive. After giving birth and for the next three years she was forced to work to provide money to her abductors in order to see her daughter for few minutes. Efsun kept working to provide money until the day they both, Efsun and her daughter got rescued by Yamaç Koçovalı.

The day Yamaç rescued them was the first day for Masal to meet her father. Afterwards, Masal moved to her uncle's house while Efsun got locked up by Yamaç in the basement to help her recover from drug abuse that has been forced into her by the abductors. Even though, Masal was separated from her mother by her father for the period of recovery, she got along very quickly with her father Yamaç and her uncle Cumali.

EditSena Koçovalı

Sena Koçovalı

Birth:1994, Death: 2019 - 25 Years

Sena Koçovalı is known as the mermaid. She was the first love of Yamaç Koçovalı and his first wife as well. Sena grew up deprived of her mother's love who were favoring her half brother. Sena Mother has always neglected her and always shows indifference. When Sena got older, she moved to live in Istanbul and that's where she met Yamaç Koçovalı. Their relationship developed quickly, and Yamaç Koçovalı proposed to her in the exact same way she always dreamed of. He traveled with her to Paris and then proposed to her in one of the restaurants in Paris and they got happily married. Sena was quite happy, but this happiness isn't meant for her. In the next morning of their wedding, she woke up to find herself alone in a foreign country. Yamaç Koçovalı has left her without even leaving her any notes.

Sena and Mother Sultan

Sena has came back to Istanbul alone and she has found out the real reason why Yamaç Koçovalı has left her without telling her anything. He was actually trying to protect her. Yamaç wanted Sena to move into Koçovalı house as she has became now part of Koçovalı family which puts her life in jeopardy and will make her a target for the pit's enemies as the rest of Koçovalı family members. Even when Sena refused to move into Koçovalı house, Yamaç didn't accept this as he knew the danger she would be in for being part of Koçovalı family. Sena had a strained relationship with Sultan Koçovalı once she moved into Koçovalı house. The root of these problems is that because

Sultan has selected all of her daughters in law for her sons, except for Sena and this made Sultan rejects Sena. The other reason that caused problems is the culture Sena came from which differ from the rest of the fmaily in terms of clothing and leaving the house. Sultan used to have strict rules for the Koçovalı house which she failed to make Sena comply to them.

In one event, both Sena and Idris Koçovalı got kidnapped. While being hostages, Sena opened up to Idris and told him that a real mother would hug her children when they get in danger and this is something she was deprived of as a child. She even intentionally spilled boiling water on herself thinking that her mother would hug her and she would feel her mother's love, but she was treated with the usual indifference. Once both Sena and Idris Koçovalı got rescued and Sena has came back home, she was met with the hug she dreamed of. She received this hug from Sultan Koçovalı which made her realize that behind the strict treatment of Sultan is actually a loving mother and that Sultan loves all of her daughters in law as if they were her real daughters.

Sena's Death

Sena finally realized the true meaning of being part of a family when she has joined the Koçovalı family. She has started doing everything in her power for her family. One day, in order to protect Yamaç Koçovalı and the rest of the family she decided to go forever with Mahsun (member of the black sheep gang who liked Sena) with the condition that no harm would be caused to Yamaç nor the Koçovalı family. After leaving with Mahsun, she got kidnapped by Yucel who shared the location where he has kept Sena to Yamaç. Yamaç went to the place shared with him by Yucel only to find Sena in an unbreakable glass box that has been closed tightly with water increasing gradually. Yamaç desperately tried to rescue Sena from drowning but failed and ended up helplessly watching his wife and first love drown before his eyes.

EditSelim Koçovalı

Selim Koçovalı

EditAyşe Koçovalı

Ayşe Koçovalı

EditAkın Koçovalı

Akın Koçovalı

Akın Koçovalı is the son of Selim Koçovalı and Ayşe Koçovalı. He is the eldest grandson of Idris Koçovalı. The future of the pit was entrusted to him as he was destined to become the father of the pit after his grandfather and his uncles. Akın was very similar to his uncle Yamaç Koçovalı in his look, anger and intelligence. He was imprisoned in a young age for killing someone who insulted him in a night club. Akın's mother Ayşe Koçovalı used to spoil him, favor him, and attend to all of his needs in contrary to his sister Karaca Koçovalı who were neglected, On the other hand, he suffered negligence from his father Selim Koçovalı. Akın has asthma, and his uncle Kahraman Koçovalı used to take care of him when his condition gets worst. Unfortunately his uncle Kahraman Koçovalı that he love a lot got killed while Akın was doing time in jail.

Akın's Release

When Akın got released from jail, he had a lot of anger because many people of his family died and he was determined to take control over the pit in order to protect it as he thought his grandfather and his uncles are not able to properly protect the family nor protect the pit. Akın made a deal with the enemy of the pit "Yucel" that the latter can have his revenge against Idris Koçovalı for his father's murder with the condition that Akın will become the leader of the pit. Akın wasn't aware that this deal will result in the death of his grandfather Idris Koçovalı by the hands of his uncle Yamaç Koçovalı. The revenge plan started with the kidnapping of all the women and children of Koçovalı's family. Idris Koçovalı and his sons went out of the pit in order to save them and they have entrusted the pit to Akın unknowingly that he is planing to take over the pit and become it's leader.

Akın leading the pit

Yamaç Koçovalı got into a mental hospital upon being forced into killing his father Idris Koçovalı while the rest of Idris's sons got into jail. The only remaining leader from Koçovalı family was Akın, therefor he bacame the leader of the pit as he always dreamed of. Akın did not follow his grandfather's principals. Once he took control over the pit he tried to start into drug dealing which was prohibited by Idris Koçovalı. His plans to go into drug dealing was thwarted by none other than his own sister Karaca Koçovalı with the help of Damla Koçovalı. Akın's dream of taking control over the pit has dissipated as soon as his uncle Yamaç Koçovalı came back into the pit and banished him away for trying to start drug dealing business and he also told Akın to forget that he belong to the Koçovalı family.

Awakening of Conscience

Once Akın came to know that his uncle Yamaç Koçovalı is the one who has been forced to to kill Idris Koçovalı as a result of the plan he was part of, he got affected by this fact greatly to the point he got sick from this shocking news. At the same time he was afraid, specially because he saw Cumali Koçovalı's reaction when he found out that his brother Yamaç Koçovalı is the one who shot and killed Idris Koçovalı.

Akın started to think what would happen if his uncle Cumali and the rest of the family came to find out his role in Idris Koçovalı's death. Akın was living through this torment of conscience for his grandfather's death and he had changed completely. His desire to control the pit has vanished, and he became one of the most trusted people to his father and his uncles. He started fighting the enemies of the pit along side the other men of the pit and eventually Akın along with his uncles Yamaç and Salih became the new three musketeers as one soul and one person. His role in his grandfather's death was never exposed.

EditYasmin Koçovalı

Yasmin Koçovalı

Yasmin Koçovalı came to Turkey for treatment, she is originally from Afghanistan, the daughter of the head of an Afghan clan. There used to be a relation between Koçovalı's family and Yasmin's clan and that's why her clan asked Koçovalı family to provide protection for their daughter while she remain in Turkey for treatment. They were afraid something will happen to Yasmin because there is one of Yasmin's clan enemies in Turkey and he might try to kidnap her. Yasmin Koçovalı had her education in Turkey and she learnt the Turkish language. Akın Koçovalı was appointed to handle her protection since she arrived to Turkey and a relationship between the two has started. To protect her, he had to stay alone with her in her place of residence. When this news reached to Yasmin's clan, they had two choices. Either to kill Akın or to get the two married. Because they already liked each others, Akın proposed to Yasmin and she accepted.

Yasmin's Illness

When Yasmin was just a little girl she was a victim of a bombing that happened in Afghanistan and she was injured in that incident. She had a splinter in the brain that causes her Epileptic seizures. She came to Turkey for a surgery; However, the result of this surgery wasn't guaranteed and the doctor told them that in case of a failure, her condition will get worst. This exactly what happened, once Yasmin had the surgery her health got deteriorating and she had a bad episode of her seizures. Once Idris's brother Cumail got her under control, he asked Akın to stay in Koçovalı's house to provide protection to Yasmin. When Karaca got murdered and Yasmin went testify she was hallucinating, and also her condition was very bad so no one believed her regarding her fear claiming that Cumali (Idris's brother) wants to kill her. Cumali gave her a drug and tried to fool everyone into beveling that Yasmin was trying to commit a suicide. Akın wasn't fooled by this and he knew that his wife would never commit a suicide.

Yasmin role in revealing Karaca's murder

Yasmin was rescued and didn't die from the drug given to her by Cumali (Idris's brother). Yasmin told her husband Akın that she don't want to go back to Koçovalı's house out of fear for her life. Akın was understanding of this fear and he moved with Yasmin to live with his uncles Yamaç Koçovalı, and Cumali Koçovalı. When they get back home with Akın's uncles, he asked Yasmin what is the reason for this fear of Cumali (Idris's brother). At first she was hesitant to tell him because they would not believe her, but Akın assured her that they will. She revealed the truth and that she saw Cumali (Idris's brother) strangling Karaca with his bare hands to death. This was a shock to Akın to find out that Karaca was actually murdered not what they were made to believe that she ran away with Celasun Gümüş.

EditKaraca Koçovalı

Karaca Koçovalı

Birth: 2000, Death: 2020 : 20 Years.

Karaca Koçovalı is the black rose, she is the daughter of Selim and Ayşe. Karaca suffered negligence and Indifference from her parents who has been busy with their own personal stuff, as a result, Karaca became jealous of other people, specially her cousin Akşın who was the same age as her but Akşın had a loving mother to take care of her. Even though Akşın is considered her closest friend and the only friend, she is more like as a sister to Karaca, but she was jealous of her cousin because everyone likes Akşın. Because of this Jealousy, Karaca tried to separate Akşın from her boyfriend Celasun Gümüş in order to take her place.

Karaca's Stance

After the death of Idris Koçovalı by the hands of his son Yamaç, The pit became under the control of Karaca's brother Akın. The pit was going through a tough period where Yamaç is admitted into a mental hospital, Selim and Cumali got imprisoned. Karaca took an honorable stance with the help of Damla in order to protect the pit from her brother Akın and prevented him from dealing with drugs until Yamaç is back to the pit. Also when it was required from her to stay at Azer's house who is the enemy of the pit, she complied without hesitation in order to prevent a battle between the men of the pit and their enemies.


During the time she stayed at Azer's house, they both fell in love with each others and Azer's mother visited Sultan in order to get Karaca betrothed to her son, unfortunately that request got rejected and Karaca was taken back home. Karaca knew that it was impossible to get her family's blessing for this marriage, so she ran away and went back to Azer's house in order to marry him even-though it's against her family. In her wedding ceremony, Sultan attended and told her the real reason why they were against this marriage which is the fact that Azer was one of the four people who caused the death of Idris.

Karaca was shocked by this news. The man she fell in love with and went against her family to get married to is the reason the man who gave her love and cared for her is dead. Sultan gave Karaca a gun and told her she know what is supposed to be done. Once the wedding ceremony over and Karaca went back home with her husband, she pointed the gun at him and asked if he took part in the murder of Idris. Azer admitted his role in killing Idris and she shot him to death, because according to Koçovalı principles: Nothing exceeds their love to their father.


At one point, her granduncle Cumali took over the pit, he pretended to show care and love to Karaca which is the thing she deprived of since her childhood. She believed him and followed him in everything he says without knowing is true color. By a coincidence, she discovered that Celasun Gümüş was murdered by the hands of her granduncle. She faced him with this truth and threatened him that she will reveal this to everyone. In order to silence her, he strangled Karaca with his bar hands until he silenced her forever. After her death he buried her at the mountain and convinced the other family members that she ran away with Celasun Gümüş.

EditAzer Kurtuluş

Azer Kurtuluş

Azer Kurtuluş is one of the enemies of the pit and he is one of the masterminds behind the murder of Idris Koçovalı. The source of Azer's hate towards Koçovalı family is the misconception he had that Salih Koçovalı is the one responsible for the death of his brother. Regardless of all Koçovalı family attempts to clear up the confusion and to clear up this misconception, Azer insisted that Koçovalı family was the one responsible.

As a result of this antagonism against the Koçovalı family, Azer tried to kill Yamaç Koçovalı; However, this attempt failed because of one of the pit's men Kamal sacrificing himself in order to take the bullet that meant to kill Yamaç Koçovalı. A war was going to erupt between the two families as a result of this attempt to kill Yamaç Koçovalı and the death of Kamal. Karaca Koçovalı had a plan to prevent this war which was approved by Sultan Koçovalı. She decided to go and stay at Azer's house, which in this case her father, uncles and other men of the pit will not go into war to avenge the death of Kamal because they would not be willing to put her life into jeopardy.

Azer's Death

During Karaca's stay at Azer's house a love relationship sprouted between the two. At the time, Karaca thought Kamal's death was the only thing between the two families. She was not aware of Azer's role in her grandfather Idris Koçovalı's death and this actually the real source of Koçovalı family hate towards Azer and his family. This fact had been revealed to Karaca during their wedding day by her grandmother Sultan Koçovalı. Once the wedding is over, she face Azer with this truth and eventually killed him.

Avenging Azer's Murder

Once Azer was killed and this news reached his brothers that Karaca Koçovalı murdered their brother, they attacked Koçovalı family out of rage to avenge their brother's death. During that assault there was no deaths from Koçovalı family. Azer's Mother convinced all of her sons to come back to Adhana and let go of vengeance because she doesn't want to lose any of her remaining sons; However, because of their attack on Koçovalı family and in their way back to Adhana, Cumali Koçovalı had killed all of them.

EditKahraman Koçovalı

Kahraman Koçovalı

Birth:1974, Death: 2017 - 43 Years.

Kahraman Koçovalı is the second son of Idris Koçovalı and Sultan Koçovalı. He is married to Nedret and have two child from her: Acar and Akşın. Kahraman was responsible for the illegal arm dealing business. He continued this role until his death by the hands of his half brother Vartolu. His death was the result of of cooperation between Selim Koçovalı and Vartolu. Selim Koçovalı went out with Kahraman for the night and he notified Vartolu about their location. As they were leaving the hotel, there were Vartolu with his men fully armed and attacked the two brothers. Selim Koçovalı took cover behind one of the cars to avoid the attack, and by the end of that attack he was surprised to find out that his brother Kahraman got killed.

Selim Koçovalı wasn't expecting the death of his brother in this attack and he thought that Kahraman would only get injured and this was the only reason why he had cooperated with Vartolu. Kahraman was very close to his elder brother Cumali Koçovalı which made the latter insisting on killing Vartolu even after being forgiven by the rest of Koçovalı family. He also got very angry with his brother Selim Koçovalı for his role in the death of Kahraman.

EditNedret Koçovalı

Nedret Koçovalı

Death:1979, Death: 2018 - 39 Years

Nedret Koçovalı Is the wife of Kahraman Koçovalı, and they have two childs together: Akşın Koçovalı and Acar Koçovalı. Nedret didn't have a happy life with her husband because he would always cheat on her. In despite of what Kahraman Koçovalı has done, she still loved him a lot and mourned his death, and she never forgave his killer Vartolu regardless of what his motives were. Nedret was one of the people who strongly objected against the relationship between Salih Koçovalı (Vartolu) and Saadet Koçovalı. She was the one to suggest that Saadet should get married to one of Selim Koçovalı's men.

In one of her anger episodes she took a gun and was heading to Salih Koçovalı (Vartolu)'s house to kill him; However, Medet (who consider Salih as his brother) tried to stop her in order to save his brother Salih. Accedentally while Medet were trying to get the gun from Nedret, she shot a bullet that hit Sultan Koçovalı who went to Nedret to bring her back home. Nedret died in her daughter's wedding when the black sheep gang attacked and resulted in her death along with her son Acar.

EditAcar Koçovalı

Acar Koçovalı

Birth: 2006, Death: 2018 - 12 Years

Acar Koçovalı is the only son of Kahraman Koçovalı and Nedret. Acar was having a normal childhood like any other child in his age away from the dark side of his family. He got orphaned in a very young age when his uncle Salih killed his father Kahraman Koçovalı. His mother Nedret wished the best for her child, she wanted him to finish his education and to lead a normal life away from the killing and arms dealing as his father and the rest of Koçovalı's men; However, his mother was too optimistic about thinking he would have a normal life. Acar got killed when the gang "black sheep" attacked Akşın's wedding. Not only he was killed, but his mother also got killed during that attack and caused a disfigure in Akşın's face.

EditAkşın Koçovalı

Akşın Koçovalı

Birth: 2000, Death: 2019 - 19 Years

Akşın Koçovalı, The white girl, she is the angel of the Koçovalı family. She is the daughter of Kahraman Koçovalı and Nedret Koçovalı. She has on brother named Acar. Akşın is the lovable girl by all Koçovalı family and she had she was in love with Celasun Gümüş who she met for the first time in high school. When Celasun wants to meet with her, he would fly a kite. When she see the kite out of the window she would sneak out by the help of her cousin Karaca Koçovalı in order to meet up with him and then she would come back without anyone noticing her absence. On one occasion Akşın sneaked out of home in order to go to the hospital to check on Celasun who had been shot, but this time Sultan noticed her sneaking out. As a punishment for Akşın, Sultan decided to cut off her hair. In despite of all the obstacles Akşın and Celasun had in their relationship together, at the end they got married.

Akşın's Marriage

Akşın's happiness was beyond description because her marriage to Celasun was approved by her family, specially when her mother Nedret accepted this marriage as well. This happiness wasn't meant to last for long, as the best day of her life turned into the most miserable day of her life. During her wedding day, the black sheep gang attacked and resulted in the death of her mother Nedret and her only brother Acar, she also has been shot in the face which caused a disfiguring in her beautiful face. This day was the beginning of Akşın's misery, she went into a psychological trauma for losing her mother and brother and also for what happened to her face. It wasn't easy on her to go through all of this at once, and what made it worst is that her mother in law was mistreating her because during that wedding she lost two of her dear sons as well.

Akşın's Death

Akşın was the only legacy remaining for the Koçovalı family from her father Kahraman. Idris Koçovalı used to say: The son dies when the father forget his son's smell, When i kiss my granddaughter Akşın i smell my son Kahraman. Her death was very hard on the Koçovalı family, specially because she didn't have a normal death but instead she was killed in a terrible way by the hands of "Yucel" one of the pit's enemies. He kidnapped Akşın and sent a picture to Yamaç Koçovalı for the place he would eventually put Akşın in, Then he gave Akşın a lethal injection and put her in that place wearing a white dress and he drew big wings on the floor. Yamaç Koçovalı and the rest of the family wasn't able to rescue Akşın in time and she became an angel. One of Akşın's visits to the cemetery to visit her dead family members she said to them: When there is no body left to mourn my death, i will come to you, i've missed you so much; However, she died very early and there were so many people to mourn her death.

EditCelasun Gümüş

Celasun Gümüş

Celasun Gümüş is the boy with the weird name, he is the son of the pit who lost his father due to an assault on the pit by Vartolu. After his father's death he became the only provider for his mother and his two little brothers. Celasun decided to join Vartolu and pretend to be loyal to him in order to avenge the death of his father. During his service under Vartolu he came to know Vartolu's good side and Vartolu apologized with regret in his eyes to Celasun about the death of his father. Once Vartolu's identity was revealed and it came to Idris knowledge that Celasun joined Vartolu's men only with the intent to kill him, Idris visited Celasun in his house and told him: If you want to have revenge you can shoot me and avenge your father, or you can forgive Salih, which in this case you will become a true son of Idris Koçovalı. Celasun have already forgiven Salih after working with him and he became to consider Salih as his elder brother.

Celasun and Akşın

Celasun met Akşın for the first time when they were in high school. At the school no one had the courage to even speak to Akşın Koçovalı and Karaca Koçovalı for being the granddaughters of Idris Koçovalı. There is only this one boy Celasun who had the gut to go for them and talked to them. This was the beginning of a love relationship between him and Akşın Koçovalı. This relationship went through some rough periods such as when Karaca Koçovalı tried to separate the two and also because Celasun thought that their relationship is impossible due to his attitude towards Koçovalı family regarding his father's death. Yamaç Koçovalı came to know about this love between the two and he took Celasun to propose to Akşın.

Celasun was moved by what Yamaç has done and he considered Yamaç as his elder brother. The Obstacle for this marriage was Akşın's mother Nedret. She opposed this marriage because she didn't want her daughter to live with someone who deals in arms. She was trying to save her daughter from the same life that she had with Kahraman Koçovalı. Yamaç intervened and assured Nedret that Celasun will not continue with that life and instead he will have his own business away from arms dealing and will live in Koçovalı's house once they get married. Nedret agreed to these terms; However, during their wedding the tragedy happened. The gang black sheep had attacked the wedding and caused the death of Celasun's little brothers and the disfiguring of Akşın's face.

Celasun's Death

On the day of Selim Koçovalı's death, he told Celasun to take care of his daughter Karaca Koçovalı. Once Cumali (Idris's brother) took over the pit and had Karaca on his side, Celasun was forced to stay in order to keep an eye on Karaca and protect her; However, when Yamaç came back to the pit he was supported by Celasun to end the reign of Cumali (Idris's brother) over the pit. Cumali (Idris's brother) came to know about this and decided to kill Celasun and he devised a plan to end his life without the knowledge of Karaca and Salih as they were completely fooled by his act. Cumali (Idris's brother) told Karaca that Celasun is working with Yamaç against him so she needs to convince Celasun to leave the pit or he will be punished for these actions. Celasun accepted to leave the pit when Karaca talked to him on one condition which is to have Karaca, but Karaca didn't agree to leave the pit.

When Karaca complained to Saadet about this situation she is in, Saadet suggested Karaca to lie to Celasun and make him believe that she is going to come with him out of the pit and when he leave the pit she break her promise to him. This was the plan to let Celasun leave the pit, but what she didn't know is that Celasun wasn't leaving the pit for his safety but for his death. Once Celasun left the pit, Cumali (Idris's brother) sent one of his men after Celasun to kill him which is what happened and he managed to kill Celasun in his car and then berried him in the mountain. Celasun death was covered up and everyone thought Celasun is out of the pit and to even cover this event, Cumali (Idris's brother) made his men took to text Karaca from Celasun's phone.

EditCumali Koçovalı

Cumali Koçovalı

EditDamla Koçovalı

Damla Koçovalı

EditAsiye Koçovalı

Asiye Koçovalı

Asiye Koçovalı is the only daughter of Cumali Koçovalı and Damla Koçovalı. Asiye was born during the rough period that the pit was going through due to being under the control of Cumali (Idris's brother). Most of the people in the pit were under his control but Asiye's father Cumali Koçovalı refused his uncle's control over the pit and decided to leave Koçovalı's house with his pregnant wife to live somewhere else.

Cumali (Idris's brother) caused the imprisonment Asiye's father Cumali Koçovalı in order to press him into accepting the current leader of the pit but that never happened and Cumali Koçovalı still held his position against his uncle. Eventually Sultan Koçovalı made a deal with Cumali (Idris's brother) to let her son Cumali out of jail and not to cause him any harm and this was for Asiye's mother Damla who were pregnant and also for Asiye so that she won't be born while her father is in jail. By the time Asiye was born, the pit was still under the control of her granduncle and it remained under his control until Yamaç Koçovalı came back to the pit and everything has change with his return.

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